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Multi-touch Interactive Table UI

McDonald’s France


Focus: Prototyping Interaction Design UI Design

The world-famous fast-food restaurant launched interactive tables for guests in France. The multi-touch and waterproof surface, along with a great user interface creates a new level of positive customer experience.

The primary goal of the project was to entertain guests while they visited the restaurant. The second objective was to promote location-based advertising and facilitate unobtrusive sales.

I worked in a cross-functional team of electrical and physical engineers as a digital product designer.

A multi-touch screen and a widget-based UI architecture allow multiple guests to interact with the table simultaneously.

Any guest is able to create a profile, which could be used as a part of the new McDonald's Loyalty System.

Also, the profile can be used as cloud storage for secure access to the customer's documents across the various devices.

The system consists of the four main sections:

Initially, it was a McDonald's experimental project.

The company decided to launch it at a small café in Annecy, a charming town on the border of France and Switzerland.

The experiment continues, with the company collecting user behaviour metrics before scaling it into a full-service project worldwide.

Please let me know if you have been there and used it.

Merci beaucoup.

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